Super Smash Bros Melee Jpn Isopropyl카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 17. 08:33
This was pretty funny to translate. Makes me want to translate all of these.
Super Smash Bros Melee Jpn Isopropyl 1
I might get it eventually, and post it on. (Which everyone should totally subscribe to:P)Anyway, this was special winner picked by Tetsu Haryuu from Famitsu Magazine.The title is called: 'Puberty'.The Japanese characters for puberty are: 思春期, literally 'Think/Spring/Time' so having a flower on his brain is suppose to be a joke with the Japanese characters.The caption is:'Who am I? Where did I come from?
Super Smash Bros Melee Jpn Isopropyl 2
Where do I go?' The work reflects the suffering men may feel while they are in puberty.Or should I say, that your puberty has lasted too long. FALCON!!//end translationFalcon PUBERTY.Edit: go upvote! I may have mistranslated the last sentence.